How is your business legally set up? What technology are you using?
What are your main services/products and who are your main employees?
Are they sufficient for your needs?
Are your accounts reconciled?
Were they reconciled correctly?
How is money coming into your business? Can we make this process faster, more streamlined, and modern in a way your customers will love?
Is money you are owed being tracked correctly?
Are there negative balances or ancient uncollectible invoices
still hanging around?
How is money going out of your business?
Are you still manually entering bills and cutting paper checks?
Are bills being paid and recorded accurately?
Are there amounts that need to be written off?
Can you see your bottom line clearly?
How is the information being presented?
Are business credit cards, lines of credit, loans, and other liabilities under
Can we know, by looking at reports, the up-to-date, accurate balances owed to all
Can you tell how much equity you have in your business?
Are accounts presented in the correct areas so that a banker can read your reports?
What payroll system are you using?
What items are working well and where are the potential problems?
(Customers, Vendors, Products and Services, Terms, Unbilled costs, Chart of Accounts)
What is the status and quality level of your lists?
These are the hidden building blocks of your file.
Is this happening?
Is it being recorded correctly?
Is this happening?
Is it being recorded correctly?
Where are you headed?
What can you improve NOW to reach your goals?
*A Discovery Report IS NOT a financial audit. An audit provides an opinion in regard to having assurance that the financial statements and their related disclosures are free from material misstatement and includes examining, on a test basis, evidence to support the amounts presented. No assurances will be made, and no examination of underlying evidence will be performed. This report is not in any way designed to detect any type of fraud. Instead, the Discovery Report focuses on the accounting system itself - its set up, workflows, information capabilities and status and provides recommendations for improvement.
To get signed up for a free consultation, please use the form below to answer some initial
After the submission you will be able to schedule a time convenient for you through
a Calendly link.